IFFA Ignite! PASS will lead a discussion on Compliance

PASS Training and Compliance is collaborating with the Indiana Food and Fuel Association (IFFA) to address Underground Storage Tank (UST) Compliance in Indiana.

The IFFA Ignite Series is an initiative for Training & Education for Indiana Convenience and UST Operators in Indiana.  This partnership aims to enhance awareness and adherence to regulations governing USTs, ensuring environmental protection and public safety. During the upcoming IGNITE Event on March 6, 2024, Dustin Case will lead a talk focused on critical aspects of UST operations. The discussion will cover UST Operator Training, emphasizing the responsibilities of Class A, B, and C operators, Release Detection, Record Keeping, and Reporting, amongst other topics, will be explored. 

To sign up, please follow this link:
IGNITE 3-6-24

EventRaymond Rees