PASS Training & Compliance

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Corrigo + PASS Tools = Reese's Cup?

Greetings from deep within the PASS R&D labs. We’ve been hard at work this fall developing some exciting new offerings for our customers, but I’d like to take a moment specifically to talk about one in particular that we’ll be launching soon with our friends at Corrigo.

JLL/Corrigo provide a wide range of services and conveniences to customers in all sorts of industries, and the UST industry is no different. A number of our customers rely on them to complete walk-through inspections as well as other various equipment tests on their behalf, and while the data collection aspects of this process are handled deftly by the Corrigo CMMS, the process of transferring those results to the necessary regulatory forms has still been a manual process.

Enter PASS Tools. Our compliance management platform specializes and excels in this area, which is why we’ve partnered with Corrigo to close this gap. In very near future Corrigo customers will be able to leverage PASS Tools to seamlessly complete state-mandated compliance forms, and automatically save them into their digital compliance book.

I can’t wait for our customers to start leveraging this feature. Much like chocolate and peanut butter, this is one of those pairings that you can’t believe hasn’t just always existed.

If you’re interested in learning more about this partnership please reach out, we’d love to chat and show you how our software can more your life easier.