PASS Training & Compliance

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PASS Welcomes Greg Salverson

We are thrilled to welcome Greg Salverson to our team here at PASS Training & Compliance! Greg brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organization, and we are excited to see the impact that he will have on our company. With his impressive track record in energy management and IoT software, we know that Greg will be a valuable addition to our team. We can't wait to see the great things we will accomplish together!

1.   What’s your role at PASS

I am the Chief Revenue Officer responsible for working with our customers, and the team at PASS, to implement go-to-market strategies for our LMS (Learning Management System), Compliance Solution, and Facilities Management Solution to deliver exceptional value to our customers and partners in the convenience store, fleet, and service provider industries.  Our goal is to;

-       Ensure Employees are properly trained and certified,

-       Simplify site inspections with asset-based workflows,

-       Maximize regulatory compliance at a state and local level,

-       Reduce manual facilities management processes.

2.   Name one project you look forward to doing.

I look forward to meeting with clients and prospective clients to learn more about their business and partner with our team at PASS to provide a solution.  Working with clients is my favorite aspect of work.

3.   One thing people might not know about you?

When I was younger, I was in a music video for a British Pop band named “Steps”.   They were filming in Rome.  I convinced the producer to put me into the video despite, “not looking Italian”.

4.   What office supplies do you use the most?

Sticky notes.   I like to write down notes and ideas on post it notes before I forget then organize the notes all over my desk until I complete each item.

5.   What is one thing I have learned?

I have learned to be patient and prioritize what really matters most.  A great former boss used to say, “You can’t boil the ocean” meaning there is only so much that can be accomplished.  A steady pace, with stretch goals, will get a better result than frantically working for the impossible.

6.   If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I would like to meet my great (great) grandparents who left everything they owned to start over in the US.   I just can’t imagine crossing the ocean with nothing and somehow building a life in a new land.  I’d need a translator, as I don’t speak German or Norwegian, but I think there is a lot to learn from them. 

7.   What 3 things would you put in a time capsule for someone to open in 25 years? 

An iPhone.  I think my kids would laugh at the ‘cordless’ phones we used 25 years ago.  Someday kids will laugh at those old iPhones.

A video of my family.

A betting slip from Vegas picking the Jets to win the Superbowl every year for the next 25 years.  They must win another Superbowl someday.