PASS Training & Compliance

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PASS Smart Form updates December

Not only does PASS offer walkthrough inspection and equipment functionality test forms available as Smart Forms, we also have an expanding collection of ancillary state-required forms as well. These include things such as tank registration forms, installation/closure notifications, release notifications, etc.

Here is a look at some of the most recent additions to our library:


·      Storage Tanks Registration/Permitting Application Form

·      UST Testing Certification Form

·      30 Day UST Installation/Closure Notification Form

·      Initial Fuel Drop (New Installation Product Fill Authorization)

·      Modification Report

·      Notification of Release/Contamination

·      Air Agency Monthly Checklist


·      State Forms/SWRCB

·      We also have a large assortment of forms for these CA districts:

·      Monterey Bay APCD

·      San Diego APCD

·      San Joaquin AQMD

·      South Coast AQMD


PASS Tools can accommodate your custom forms!  If you have any company-specific, proprietary, or branded forms, contact us about upgrading them to Smart Forms!