PASS Training & Compliance

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PASS Offers Updated ICC California Prep Course

By Holly Westerfield

Muncie, IN- California has new UST regulations, and that means we have a new California ICC exam prep course!

Reviewing the exam references on your own can be a daunting and confusing task. But by reviewing it alongside our new course and using our helpful citations to annotate the reference materials, our customers will find it a much more manageable task.

Our course covers the new California regulations, the 2015 federal regulations, and the rules of the ICC exam. The new course includes citations to show customers where those rules are in the approved exam reference materials. This makes it easier than ever to annotate the reference materials and use them to their highest potential. We will also review record keeping responsibilities, release/spill reporting requirements, the different types of required inspections, and much more.

When you are learning with PASS, there is no such thing as a bad time to study. Check out the new ICC California prep course in our marketplace or by clicking here!