PASS Training & Compliance

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New Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training has become an important part of how employers are protecting their staff, their customers, and their business. It will help safeguard against inappropriate behavior and ensure everyone is comfortable and protected.

With more states requiring sexual harassment training, it has become vital that employers locate a training that not only meets federal and state guidelines but will also provide their employees with helpful information relevant to their experiences.

We offer two training options, Employee and Supervisor. The employee course takes approximately 60 minutes and will cover how to identify sexual harassment, how to prevent it, how to address if it occurs, and how to work with the employer to resolve it. The supervisor course will take approximately 120 minutes, and it covers all the same information plus a few additional and advanced topics to help make the workspace a safe place for everyone to be.

Find out more about this course from our partners here.