PASS Training & Compliance

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Maryland re-approves PASS's UST Class A/B Operator Training

Recently, PASS Training and Compliance received re-approval from the Maryland Department of Environment (DEP) to sell their updated Underground Storage Tank (UST) Class A/B Operator Training program in the online marketplace. This is excellent news for UST operators and professionals looking for an efficient and convenient way to complete their required training and certification.

The PASS UST Class A/B Operator Training program is a comprehensive and interactive online course covering all essential topics related to UST systems, regulations, and best practices. The program is designed to meet the training requirements set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is approved by various state agencies, including Maryland DEP.

The updated version of the program includes new and improved features, such as enhanced graphics and animations, interactive quizzes and exercises, and updated content to reflect the latest changes in UST regulations and standards. The program is also fully mobile-responsive, meaning users can access the training materials from any device, including smartphones and tablets.

With the re-approval from Maryland DEP, PASS Training and Compliance can continue to offer their UST Class A/B Operator Training program to UST operators and professionals in the state. This program is an excellent option for those who want to meet their training requirements quickly and conveniently while ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to operate UST systems safely and effectively.

In summary, the re-approval of PASS Training and Compliance's UST Class A/B Operator Training program is good news for Maryland UST operators and professionals. With the updated program's new features and content, users can receive high-quality training and certification that meets EPA and state requirements, all in a convenient and accessible online format.

For more information on Maryland’s UST Class A/B Operator Training, click here.

If you are interested in how PASS can help you transform, automate, and simplify your regulatory training using our cost-effective advanced LMS and integrations like all the top-tier C-Store chains, click here.