PASS Training & Compliance

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Employee Spotlight: Megan

By Holly Westerfield

Muncie, IN – Megan is the newest addition to the PASS family. She joined our company in September of 2021. While she mainly focuses on helping our customers in customer support, she also frequently helps behind the scenes in PASS Tools and PASS Training. She currently lives in Muncie with her family and dog Sasha.

This week we spoke with Megan about her role at PASS and her hobbies outside of work. 

What do you do? 

I primarily work in customer support. I help customers with various tasks, such as assigning training, resetting passwords, and creating new accounts. I’m also covering the phones, answering emails, and help around the company with additional projects.

What project at PASS has taught you the most?

Helping with training development taught me a lot about the different regulatory requirements and how they vary from state to states.

If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be?

I would work from home so I could spend more time with my dog.

What does a typical day look like for you?

In the morning I start my day by filling out my dry erase board. After I finish that, I call back any customers who called into support after business hours and start answering emails that came in overnight. I spend the rest of the day answering the phone and responding to emails as they come in. Any free time I have in between is spent helping with projects in the other departments.

What’s something most people wouldn’t guess about you?

I have an associate’s degree in Human Services!

What’s the most used thing in your office?

Definitely my computer. The next most used thing is my whiteboard. I fill it out every morning with the date, a new quote, and all the things I need to do for the day. Today’s quote is “Happiness is a day called Friday.

Whats something new you have learned recently?

Swordfish have a unique organ in their head that heats up their eyeballs and brain. It helps them see better and think faster in the cold water!

If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?

Definitely a president. Probably Abraham Lincoln.