PASS Training & Compliance

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Water for Thought - A Tale of USTs and Public Drinking Water

UST water pollutionWe all know that a leaking UST is not a good thing, but have you ever wondered how that it could effect your community?  I stumbled across an article from the EPA published last month that really got me thinking.A community in Rougemont, NC has been dealing with the effects of multiple petroleum releases from USTs for the past 20 years.  On September 22, 2016 this community was actually able to breath a sigh of relief because they are now connected to a unique water system that provides safe drinking water to their homes and businesses.For years this community has been using alternative water sources and having their wells tested quarterly as a temporary solution.  We can sometimes take for granted the ability to go to our sink and fill up a glass of water, but not this community, they have waited 20 years to be able to safely do that.Construction of the new, award winning water system began in October 2015 and was finally completed this past September.  It was paid for by a combination of federal, state, and county money and grants, in the upwards of 2.6 million dollars.I would like to take a moment to express the importance of monitoring and inspecting your USTs regularly.  Early detection is key in preventing instances like this in your community.  Help us to protect our communities and the generations to come, these spills can not be cleaned up or fixed overnight and can affect communities like the one above for many years after the initial release.  We know keeping up with your UST compliance and inspections can be a difficult, but PASS can help.Learn More about PASS Inspection Services →