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PEI RP100 Update Scheduled for Next Year

PEI RP100The PEI Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems better known as PEI RP100, is getting a makeover. This publication covers the engineering and construction of Underground Liquid Storage Systems, including layout and trenches, flow shut-off devices, transition sumps, automatic line-leak detectors, secondary containment, and water management. The current publication is  the 2011 edition.  There have been 8 revisions of the original 1986 publication.Some of the major changes were made specifically to:

  • Chapter 7 - Spill Containment and Overfill Protection
  • Chapter 8 - Secondary Containment
  • Chapter 9 - Release Detection

These changes actually came from issues that were raised by the public and then reviewed and resolved by PEI's Tank Installation Committee. The meeting to discuss these changes was on September 27th and 28th in San Antonio, Texas.  Because such extensive changes were made, PEI is planning on the new edition of PEI RP100 to be available in February of 2017.  For more information on PEI RP100,  visit PEI's website.