PASS Training & Compliance

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The PASS Training Marketplace - Coming Soon!

The PASS Training MarketplaceThe dev team here as PASS has been busy at work over the last year on an exciting new service we are calling the PASS Marketplace.

The PASS Training Marketplace will be a new, public-facing resource that will allow customers to easily see all of the trainings that we offer, complete with overviews, chapter details, retraining requirements, and pricing, all in one easy to find place. This feature is part of a much larger redesign of the PASS LMS that will be launching later this fall.Our catalog will launch with a focus on UST Operator Training, but we are working hard to quickly launch other new trainings that complement the UST industry, such as inspector/installer trainings, as well as foodservice and alcohol trainings such as our Illinois BASSET Alcohol Training that just launched.If you have suggestions on what trainings you'd like to see from us next, or would like to offer your own trainings/content through the PASS Training Marketplace, please contact us!