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Washington Amends UST Regulations

Washington Amends UST RegulationsThe Washington Department of Ecology (DEC) announced plans to amend its UST regulations (WAC 173-360 WAC).  The DEC hopes that in doing so the rules will be easier to understand and use.  The rules are there to help prevent the number of spills and releases of petroleum and other hazardous material from rising.  The Department of Ecology's March 2016 Toxics Cleanup Program newsletter states that there are currently around 50 new releases or spills confirmed every year just in the state of Washington. These releases pose a threat to human health and the environment, and can also can pollute our drinking water.  That is why it is so important for these rules to be easy to understand and follow by the regulated community.  These rule changes will also bring some consistency between the rules and other state and federal laws.  For more information visit the DEC's website.PASS offers DEC-approved UST Class A/B and C operator training.  Click here to register and start training today!Get Started →