PASS Training & Compliance

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Attending Railsconf 2016

Railsconf 2016Last week, I was lucky enough to get to attend Railsconf 2016, which was held in Kansas City this year. If you aren't familiar, Railsconf is the world's largest gathering of Rails developers. This is important for PASS since all of our software products are built using the Rails framework.This year there were a number of great talks and sessions, including ones focused on the new technology being introduced into the framework, improving data security in applications, and ways to improve your app's performance. I learned a few new tricks that we will be rolling into the upcoming redesign of PASS Training,  but that's a blog post for another day :)Events like this are great opportunities to see the many different ways that people in a whole host of other industries leverage the same technology we use here at PASS, which in turn helps to give us new perspectives on solving the challenges we face in building the best tools possible for our clients.After having a bit of time to reflect back on all that I learned, I couldn't be more energized to continue working to improve our products and services, as well as come up with new ways to delight our customers.