PASS Training & Compliance

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Missouri UST Regulatory Updates

MO_regMark your calendars... July 1, 2016 is the deadline for UST Operator Training.

Beginning July 1, 2016, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will check compliance for UST sites that are not insured by the Missouri PST Insurance Fund or PSTIF.  The DNR will also also begin checking for designated and trained UST Class A, B, and C operators.  PASS offers Missouri Department of Natural Resources acceptable training via reciprocity from Illinois.  Visit for more information.Missouri's DNR will implement a portion of the new rules by July 1, 2017. This portion requires new UST systems to be double-walled and have containment sumps with interstitial monitoring.  In addition, if over 50% of any piping is replaced, it must be replaces with double-walled piping with containment sumps and interstitial monitoring.Here is a list of Proposed Underground Storage Tank Compliance Dates and a link to the redline changes to the rulesProposed UST Compliance Dates