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UPDATE: Illinois UST Operator Training Enforcement

Illinois UST Operator Training Enforcement[bs_label type="danger"]UPDATE:[/bs_label]

New Illinois UST operator training enforcement begins April 1, 2016

Earlier this month, we reported in The PASSing Lane that the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) will soon begin stricter enforcement of UST operator training requirements.  As a reminder, OSFM inspectors will begin issuing Operator Certification NOVs for these violations starting April 1, 2016.  The OSFM inspector will immediately red tag the station’s tanks and will not remove the red tags until A, B, and C operators have been trained and certified as required by law.At the time of that post, the OSFM's date to begin this enforcement was March 21, 2016.  However, the OSFM has since changed the enforcement date to April 1, 2016.  Even though this gives UST operators in Illinois an additional two weeks to be designated and trained, don't put it off.  Sign up for a PASS UST operator training course now!Sign up for Illinois UST Operator Training→