PASS Training & Compliance

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Minnesota UST Operator Certification Requirements

 Minnesota UST Operator Certification Requirements[bs_label type="primary"]Minnesota UST Operator Certification Requirements[/bs_label]

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requires A/B operators to take and pass its online exam in order to be certified.  PASS' Class A/B Operator Training (MPCA Exam Preparation) course has been approved to help A/B operators prepare for the exam.  Successfully completing the PASS course will not provide you with A/B certification.  Here is what you need to do.

  1. Once you have prepared to take the exam, visit the MPCA website and register for the exam.
  2. Once you have registered, you have 10 days to complete the exam.  You may start and stop the exam as many times as you want in that 10-day time period.
  3. If you fail the exam or fail to complete the exam within the 10-day period, you will be required to take an MPCA-approved training course, such as the one offered by PASS.
  4. Once you have completed your training course, you must contact Jenalee Quigley at the MPCA (, 651-757-2238, or 1-800-657-3864), who will reset your exam so you may take it again.
  5. Once you have passed the MPCA exam, your operator certificate will be e-mailed to you.

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