PASS Training & Compliance

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Features That Make PASS Training Easy To Use

If you go to our website and look around for a little bit, you may notice that we talk quite a bit about making things easier.  This is not just words on a page.  We really do strive to make training and compliance easier to handle.  From our custom-built Learning Management System (LMS) to PASS Tools to the soon to come PASS Smart Connect,  we are always looking for new solutions.Most of you, I would guess, have used our LMS and taken a training with us.  If you are set as a Company or Facility Administrator in the LMS, you have access to many tools and reports to help you manage and track your company training records.  However, besides those tools that are visible to you, there are quite a few things we do behind the scenes to help make it easier for you.For example:

  • Student Self-Registration Portal - We give you a link to a landing page for your company.  Employees simply select their facility, enter in their name, and create a username and password.  Once the employee is set up, he or she can then select the training course needed.  The employee can use a credit from pre-purchased courses or you can take advantage of Aggregated Invoicing.
  • Aggregated Invoicing - Once the student is set up, he or she chooses the course needed and a line item will be added to an invoice.  At the end of the month, you will receive an invoice for all training courses used that month.  Each line item references the student name and facility.
  • AICC Integration - If your company has an existing LMS, we can link them together seamlessly.

Some other account controls we have are:

  • The ability to prevent students from creating orders;
  • The ability to prevent students from using/adding credits to their accounts; and
  • The ability to prevent students from editing their profile (username, password, etc.).

If you would like to discuss any of these options for your company to make your training experience easier, please just give our Customer Support a call at (866) 735-0201.Contact PASS →