PASS Training & Compliance

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HTML 5 vs. Flash

       HTML5_logo_and_wordmark.svg  VS.flash-player-logo

A few years ago, there was a debate among Web developers about the superiority of Adobe Flash vs. HTML5.  That debate has been over for a while now and HTML5 has emerged as the better, more secure option.  Even so, most of our competitors have websites that are completely Flash based while PASS has chosen to use HTML5 standard.You may be thinking, “Why does this matter to me?”  Well, there are a few reasons.  First, Flash is nearly 20 years old.  Hackers have had plenty of time to discover and exploit many of Flash's vulnerabilities and security holes.  The McAfee Labs Threats Report from May 2015 states that the number of known Flash malware vulnerabilities totaled nearly 200,000 in the first quarter of 2015. This is up from about 47,000 in the fourth quarter of 2014!A big reason that we use HTML5 is because the mobile market has been expanding in the last few years, and companies must either convert over to HTML5 or be left behind.  This is because Flash is not supported by either Apple’s iOS or by Android.  If you have a smartphone, you have probably experienced the frustration of not being able to access some media online, and you have Flash to blame.  This also means that if you are set up to train on one of our competitors' websites and you try to use your smartphone or tablet, their website will not work on your device.Another benefit of HTML5 over Flash is system performance.  Flash requires that you install a separate program or extension for your browser to process the Flash information.  This puts extra strain on your CPU and slows down performance.  With HTML5, the code is processed by your web browser and saves on system resources.As is the fate of any technology, Adobe Flash has come to the end of its life cycle and is obsolete.  It does hold a special place with many people and was a great tool for its time, but we must move on and embrace the future!Click here to register for training →