PASS Training & Compliance

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What's the deal with PASS' add-on courses?

add-onsMany of you have probably noticed that when you are creating an order for a training course, there is a category called UST Operator Training – Marina and Non-Retail Add-Ons.  Maybe you have wondered what they were for.  I know I have received a few calls from curious customers wondering what those are all about.  So, I just want to take a second and explain the purpose of these courses.First off, these courses are NOT required by any state and they are meant to be taken in addition to a standard UST operator course!  These add-ons were put together by us because we saw that the standard UST operator courses are geared towards a convenience store type facility.  While this is a large portion of UST facilities, there are other types of facilities with unique equipment and procedures and that is where these add-on courses come in.The marina add-ons are for, you guessed it, marina UST facilities!  They cover requirements and components unique to marina facilities.  These include docks, marina dispensers, and marina piping.  Spill clean-up procedures and U.S. Coast Guard reporting requirements are also covered.The non-retail add-on courses are for facilities that store and dispense fuel but do not sell it to the general public.  Examples of non-retail fueling facilities include:[bs_row class="row"]
[bs_col class="col-xs-6"]

  • Trucking companies
  • Municipalities
  • Bus barns
  • Hospitals

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  • Rental car companies
  • Military bases
  • Taxi companies

[/bs_row]The non-retail add-on courses cover requirements and components that are unique to most non-retail facilities. These include fuel types, cardlocked dispensers, satellite dispensers, and fire suppression systems, among others.As always, if you have any questions about our courses or services just give us a call at 866-735-0201 or email us at!