PASS Training & Compliance

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Updates to Training Notifications

Yesterday we pushed out two new notifications in PASS Training — Incomplete Trainings and Overdue Invoices. We think they'll be very useful in helping both trainees and administrators stay on top of things.

Incomplete Training Notifications

Our customers are busy, and we understand that UST operator duties are just a small portion of their day-to-day responsibilities. That said, sometimes our users will add or start a training but forget to finish it, which can cause a lot problems if a regulator decides to pay you a surprise visit. That's why we came up with an automatic notification that is sent to a trainee's email address if it has taken the person longer than 2 weeks to complete the training.

Overdue Invoice Notifications

We get it:  staying on top of your bills can be difficult, and sometimes one can slip through the cracks. With that in mind, we decided to add an automatic notification that will be sent out if any invoice is unpaid for more than 30 days.We are constantly working to improve the features and functionality of our software and always welcome suggestions. Please feel free to email me if you would like to share your idea.Not yet Trained? Get Started Today →