PASS Training & Compliance

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Colorado UST Operator Training Update

There has been some confusion recently regarding the rumored suspension of Class A/B UST operator training in Colorado.  We would like to clarify that PASS' Class A/B UST operator retraining course is approved by the Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) and continues to be available.  Colorado Class A/B UST operators receive initial certification after passing the Class A and Class B operator exams administered by the International Code Council (ICC).  If the OPS Director determines that a UST system is out of compliance, the Class A/B operator for that system must be retrained and recertified within 90 calendar days and may use the PASS course for that purpose.In addition, PASS is the only trainer approved by the ICC to provide training for UST operator exams.  PASS offers a separate Class A/B ICC preparatory course for UST operators in Colorado; learn more here.  PASS will also offer classroom trainings in Colorado for groups of 25 or more; call us for details or fill out the request form.