PASS Training & Compliance

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Switch to PASS and Get 25% Off Your Total Order

During the month of September, if you switch from one of our competitors to PASS for your UST training needs, you will receive 25% off your total PASS order. To take advantage of this offer, please call us at 1-866-735-0201 and speak with one of our customer service representatives. We will need a copy of your certification from a competing training provider in order to process the discount.Why should you switch to PASS? Consider this:

  1. We do not use a third-party program to offer our trainings. We built the PASS platform from the ground up, giving us total control over its management and development.
  2. We are the certifying body for the majority of our trainings (ICC states being notable exceptions). We issue and maintain your UST operator certification, and we will even notify when you are in need of retraining.